God’s Grace

God’s grace is through humility, showing true character, and being right with people. However, being false, proud, arrogant, or vain is not what grace is. Therefore, being the lower person walking in God’s love is not to be ashamed of doing what is right. Some people in the world hated Christ and will hate his followers. Believers in God are the result of knowing how to walk in the peace and love of the one sent to save the world, Jesus.

Being Humble God’s Grace

God’s grace is walking in a way as to be respected whereby showing value of yourself and others. The state of God’s grace is being humble and not seeking attention or praise for yourself. But doing what is right, even if it means being looked down upon by others. It is through acts of kindness and compassion that we can best reflect God’s grace and bring light into a world that can be dark and cruel.

As we walk through life, trying to embody the principles of grace, we may face many challenges and obstacles. People may even hate us or do us harm, but we must keep faith in God and strive to forgive and love those that wrong us.

Looking back at the story of Job, we see how he faced incredible trials and suffered great losses, but he never lost faith in God. Though he did not understand at the time, his hardships were ultimately a test of his faith, and in the end, God blessed him with even more than he had before.

Jobs Story

The story of Job teaches us that in times of trouble, we need to have faith in God’s plan and continue to act with humility, love, and kindness toward others. By doing so, we can walk in God’s grace and, like Job, come to a place of restoration and peace.

God’s Grace and Job, therefore this man Job who lived in Uz, was honest a man feared God, and was devoted. Humble Job was a man of prayer who chose not to do evil.
Job, a wealthy man of his day, had a family, a wife, seven sons, and three daughters. His wealth comprised seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred oxen, five hundred donkeys, and a great household. He was said to be the most remarkable man of the East.

God’s Grace Jobs Family Troubles

Job’s sons and daughters celebrated the good fortune of their father through feasting and when their partying finished. Job sent for them to be sanctified and offered a sacrifice to God in their honor. God put Job to the test because Satan said to God, “You pamper Job.” That’s why he’s faithful and humble before you. First, Job would only be modest with your protection and blessings. God said, more or less, do to Job what you will, Satan, but don’t touch his soul. After that, Job lost everything—his sons and daughters, servants, and all the livestock he had.

Job’s wife mocks him, and Satan causes Job to be afflicted with a disease. Three friends of Job said he must have done something wrong for all his troubles and misery, but Job, confused about everything happening to him, still trusted God. Job and his friends argued over what was going on with him. God became upset with Job’s friends because they didn’t help him while he struggled. Job’s friends believed in God too, but for God not to be angry with them for judging Job and thinking evil of him, they had to go to Job and let him pray for them. In prayer to God, praying one for another, you find forgiveness, mercy, and God’s grace. God is enraged by proud behavior that is evil. By lowering yourself in humility, you gain a more profound sense of balance within yourself in peace, love, and knowledge of goodwill.


Job lived a hundred and forty years with his health restored. He had seven more sons, lived to see four generations, and had three more daughters, and his daughters were the most lovely in the land. God blessed Job’s final days with more livestock than he had initially. At the end of his days, he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, oxen, and donkeys. By the grace of God, Job had an entire and fruitful life.